I have spent my life focusing on the effects in my life and very very little on the cause.  We feel like we are being ineffective and well plain old lazy when we are not in constant action.  I mean either we are dealing with a problem or we are thinking about the problem…more often than not, we are worrying about the problem.  But, change in your life is really quite simple but powerful.  It requires us to have the habit of creating……  I know your asking, what does that mean????   It means that we use our thoughts to change the world within.  So if we desire harmony in our lives, we impress the subconscious mind by mentally stating what we want and while we are in action all that is needed for you to obtain what you desire shows up.  The subconscious mind is enormous and is the seat of habit and memory.  It is active 24/7, so we have to have positive impressions on it consistently.   This is powerful information that I am grateful to know and now put into practice.  Who knew that mentally stating what you want before you get into action is a powerful key to success.  So now, I see why we must sit for 15 minutes without moving and read the same statements 7 days per week as we are IMPRESSING the subconscious mind that mysterious mind that never sleeps and unconsciously guides ours actions.  At first, I thought, this is disrupting my routine but now I am starting to embrace the disruption for I am ready for a change.

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